Why Bottled Water is Becoming Beverage of Choice
Posted on by Langlade SpringsA recent press release from the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) illustrates the reasons why bottled water is projected to be the number one packaged drink by 2016.
Chris Hogan, IBWA vice president of communications reports, “Many consumers are making healthier choices for themselves and their families, and they know that safe, convenient, refreshing bottled water has zero calories and is the healthiest option on the shelf. They also appreciate the reliable, consistent quality of bottled water.
Hogan continues, “And, despite continued efforts from some activist groups to discourage people from drinking bottled water, consumption and sales of this healthy product are increasing as consumers make their voices heard in the marketplace.”
Even with this continuing growth and increased consumption, bottled water still has the smallest water and energy use footprint of any packaged beverage.
Read more at http://bit.ly/1Iqy5zm
Langlade Springs supplies their high quality natural alkaline mineral spring water to private label bottled water customers across the United States and internationally.