Chill Picnic Style Facebook Contest

Posted on by Langlade Springs

Final Chill Picnic Style POS

If you love summer and picnics, then you don’t want to miss Langlade Springs Chill Picnic Style Facebook Contest beginning August 24th. It’s your opportunity to vote for your favorite picnic basket/food pairing for a chance to win one of three prizes valued at $90. Choose from Lime Green/Healthy Choices, Tangerine/Gourmet Goodies or Black & White/ Grillin’ Favorites.


Lime Green Picnic BasketEach prize includes a stylish and functional Picnic at Ascot Insulated Basket Cooler with loads of cool features including a zippered lid, food-safe lining, comfy padded hand grip and built-in side supports for easy loading. Best of all, it folds flat for storage when you’re not using it.


Lime Green Bev BarrelInside each basket you’ll find a BevBarrel Insulated Beverage Carrier that’s perfect for picnics, camping, boating and all kinds of outdoor activities. It holds up to 7 bottles or cans of bottled water or beverages. Just place a frozen bottle of water in the center pocket to keep other beverages cool! Each BevBarrel is filled with 12-oz. bottles of Northern Chill® natural alkaline water, the perfect size for outdoor fun.


Cher Make LogoFood pairings were created to complement the look and feel of each picnic basket and feature Made in Wisconsin products. Lime Green/Healthy Choices includes delicious 100 calorie Cher-Make Pepper Jack Brats, Chicken Brats and veggie/cheese tray fixings.  Tangerine/Gourmet Goodies showcases Cher-Make Original Summer Sausage paired with fruits, cheeses and nuts. Black & White/Grillin’ Favorites features Cher-Make Natural Casing Wieners and Homegame Bratwurst paired with baked beans, sauerkraut and condiments.

To enter the Chill Picnic Style Contest, like our Facebook page and use the Enter to Win app to vote for your favorite cooler color/food pairing between August 24th and September 7th

Or visit any Wisconsin Woodman’s location where you’ll find Enter to Win information next to the Northern Chill and Cher-Make product displays.

If you’d like to learn more about Wisconsin’s own Northern Chill natural alkaline spring water and where to buy at over 50 locations throughout the state, visit

#chillpicnicstyle #northernchillwater #wisconsinbottledwater

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